Friday, June 08, 2007

Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End

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Listening/Watchin>Pirates of The Caribbean 3 OST

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I'm amazed, shocked, fascinated, and Goddess knows what else...
Last Saturday I went to see "Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End" and...I have to say it was WOW ...I was better than I expected, but not what I was hoping for..and yet it swept me away from the entire world. I was so mesmerized..that I think my heart never stopped jumping and my lits were glued to my brows...

Gods, I can't even write!! I'm so...I don't know...Listening to the soundtrack brings the images of the movie back to my mind and...

Well, now seriously, what can I say about the movie?

I hated Elizabeth with a passion, more than I ever hated her before....She should have died!! ARGH!!!

Will's character should have been more and better developed. That I love Orlando is beside the point. Will has a lot more to give than what we saw. The first movie showed him as a very promising character and yet we find ourselves craving for more...or at least I do...

Elizabeth was given way too much spotlight. I don't say that the development of her character wasn't important(I have to admit it, even if I hate her), and that she has good quemestry with all her costars...but because of her they left Will totally aside and he had more to give!

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Jack complaints here...he's the best.
And Barbossa...well, I loved him! I never expected him to be such a charming character! He's witted like Jack and he always finds the way out of every situation...

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I'm sad that James had to die that way, but ...sacrifices had to be made XD

And coming back again to Will Turner...I never thought he'd be the captain of the Flying Dutchman...I mean, the thought crossed my mind, in fact, I was sure that was going to be his destiny, but for an entire different reason(not just freeing his father)

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Now to another subject...yeah sure...

The visual effects were AWESOME!!! but even better than that is the soundtrack. Hans Zimmer is a genius...I loved the first two soundtracks but this one has overthrowed them both. It's glorious...I don't really have any words to describe it...

Well, I think that's all I'm going to say about POTC....


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